wilayah antwerpen bahasa Inggris
- wilayah: borough; district; terr.; territorial; territory;
- antwerpen: antwerp (province); antwerp; anvers; antwerpen
- antwerpen (arondisemen): arrondissement of antwerp
- antwerpen (distrik): antwerp (district)
- antwerpen (provinsi): antwerp province
- keuskupan antwerpen: roman catholic diocese of antwerp
- markgraf antwerpen: margraves of antwerp
- pelabuhan antwerpen: port of antwerp
- pengepungan antwerpen: siege of antwerp (1914)
- balai kota antwerpen: antwerp city hall
- country data antwerpen: country data antwerp
- munisipalitas di antwerpen: municipalities of antwerp (province)
- akademi seni rupa kerajaan (antwerpen): royal academy of fine arts (antwerp)
- wilayah: borough; district; terr.; territorial; territory; ty.; territories; wilayah; domain; commune; state; territorial dominion; direction; side; zone; regional; place; orbit; sphere; county; land; area;
- peta wilayah-wilayah romania: romanian counties map